The Amish Teacher’s Dilemma by Patricia Davids

The Amish Teacher’s Dilemma by Patricia Davids

Author:Patricia Davids
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-12-04T21:02:51+00:00

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“I like Eva a lot, don’t you, Willis?” Maddie was pulling the pepperoni slices from her pizza and stacking them on the edge of her plate for Bubble. One by one, she slipped them over the edge of the table to Sadie who was lying under her chair.

“Sure, I like her.”

“Bubble says if you ask her to marry you she’ll say yes. I wish she could eat with us. Can I go invite her?”

“Not today. She wants to visit with her brother. What did she say his name was?” He ignored the suggestion that he should marry Eva. She wouldn’t have him even if he asked. She would want a smart husband. One who used fine words and read books.

“Her brother’s name is Danny. He’s nice, too. I think Sadie would like more pizza.”

“Sadie has had enough. Did Eva’s brother say why he was here?” It seemed odd that a family member would visit when she had been here less than two weeks. It made him wonder if something was wrong back home. He didn’t want to come out and ask. He was used to minding his own business. Until Eva had arrived in New Covenant, he’d seldom given his neighbors a second thought.

Now he found it impossible to stop thinking about her. She had somehow wormed her way past the defenses he kept around his heart. He cared for Eva a great deal.

Maddie took back one slice of pepperoni and ate it. “Why do people get married?”

“Because they love each other, I reckon.”

“What if someone matchmakes them together? Will they love each other then?”

He was sorry she’d ever heard the term. “A matchmaker is just a person who introduces two people in the hopes that they will fall in love. I don’t think it works out all that often.”

Maddie sighed. “I hope it works out for you.”

Otto nudged Maddie. “You talk too much.”

“I don’t. I talk just enough.”

Willis realized something was going on between the two of them. “What do you want to work out for me?”

“Nothing,” Otto said quickly. He scowled at his sister.

Willis glanced between them. “I don’t think nothing is the right word. What’s going on?”

“We gave Eva a list of things we want your wife to have,” Maddie said proudly.

Harley rolled his eyes. “Girls can’t keep a secret.”

Maddie stuck out her lower lip. “Nobody said it was a secret.”

“It’s not anymore.” Otto got up and left the table, carrying a piece of pizza outside.

Willis shook his head. “I’m not going to find a wife, so it doesn’t matter what you and Otto told Eva I needed.”

“Okay.” Maddie gave Sadie her last piece of pepperoni. “I’m done. Can I go out and play now?”

“It will be time for bed soon. Don’t forget. Harley is going to read us a story tonight. Send Sadie home.”


Harley cleared the table without being asked. Willis washed what few dishes there were. When the kitchen was clean, Willis sat down in his chair by the window. Maddie climbed onto his lap while Otto and Harley sprawled on the floor.


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